Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Astrology teaching

From pre-Columbian times are Central America for evidence of astrological activities, particularly for pressure Mayan civilization. It especially Venus dignity Great value next to the sun and the moon. This was seen as a harbinger of death and war stimuli and was therefore closely monitored. In particular, the occurrence of Venus as the morning star was to be unfavorable, the morning star Several war deities were assigned. The Venus Tries announces disaster ceremonies avert. The Zodiac Maya consisted of thirteen characters.
During the Renaissance learned astrology flourished, die by the end of the 17th century lasted. It was mainly in the courts and universities, where he practiced with astronomy and medicine Connected. The initial focus in Italy. Many popes this time sponsored die astrology, including Pius II, Sixtus IV, Leo X and Paul III .. In Italy, they then spread throughout Europe. Sponsored Goods German Habsburg.

Caused a stir die forecasts due to the large context 1484. This announcement dignity as a false prophet and a new holy religion would interpret the new law, the die privileges of the nobility to restrict and help the poor dignity. This was later Protestants and Catholics in die opposite direction to Martin Luther Bought. The most important conjunctions were counted for the pioneering available at the time of the events, die in the Bible predicted. However Matrizensatz Catholic Church against such practices and sat astrological writings on the index, while die astrology free in Protestant regions could develop, although Luther and John Calvin had been decisively rejected.

Um die development of Renaissance Astrology Helped ancient writings were recovered calculated dying in the Middle Ages was well known and did the Arab and medieval writings became popular in printed form. However, importance of special war die Tetrabiblos translation of Ptolemy and the pseudo-Ptolemaic Centiloquiums the Greek originals in Latin in the middle of the 16th century.
This common translations provided a basis for a reformist current astrology The main agent of War Gerolamo Cardano and die throughout Europe. They wanted the old astrology as a MAIN representatives of Ptolemy, viewed for free from the Arabic "superstition" and the lure of magic. Developed in the Arab world technical innovations leaned out the "Ptolemaic".
The common way Astronomical Revolution, the transition from the geocentric to a heliocentric view of the universe who is not impaired in astrology. Astrologers still Took the geocentric perspective, and many of the protagonists of the New Astronomy, including Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, both companies astrological studies. For more than calculations Source: Has the time, die accepted Copernican System.