Mittwoch, 24. April 2013

Love life

I'm almost a hundred years old;
Waiting for the end, and thinking about the beginning.
There are things I must tell you,
but would you listen if I told you how fast time flies?
I know you will not be able to do this are thinking.
However, I can tell you
that you wake up one day to find that your life rushed
of a speed at once impossible and cruel.
The most intense moments seem to have taken place only yesterday
and nothing will have erased the pain and the joy
the impossible intensity of love and their dogs jump lucky
the gloomy blackness of passions unrequited or unspoken or unresolved.
It is old and you realize there are no answers, only stories ...

Meg Rosoff / Garrison Keillor

I have been using text found this on the net, it made me very thoughtful. Of course, we live and do not think it pass the time and years. One day we wake up and have to realize that we can not turn back the clock. Every day is finally over, and brings us closer to the final day. Therefore, make sure that it is your day, not a day we can buy for all the money in the world. The greatest wealth is contentment. We can make our way in just satisfaction to our own!

Ursula Magdalena